Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Singing Community Style

Behind me a group is singing an African sunrise song as a closing to a session on singing and open choirs as opportunities for community transformation.

Pretty cool stuff.

We met the leader of this workshop in the coffee shop - amzaing person and hopefully will be able o come into our community at a laer date - networking - it can be 'just the beginning'


  1. I was part of this workshop and as a person who doesn't usually sing (except in the car with the music turned up loud!) it was AWESOME!
    It was a totally fun way to connect with people and have it be meaningful. It went beyond culture, it went beyond our differences, and created a shared experience.
    I wonder how Canada would be transformed if we all had common songs to sing?

  2. Amazing how synchronicities occur. The Queensland, Australia based Learning4AChange project and website did many similar things - conversations, community arts, stories of significant change and community choir.....around climate and sustainability issues with a CD focus...with free creative commons resources. go to www.learning4achange.com.au

    Keep up the great work.

